Work. Regardless.


We work with you to find opportunities that are the right fit for your strengths and abilities. It’s our job to help you realize your potential. Regardless of the circumstances you face, you can work.

Take a seat. Let’s get started.

Learn how we can help

We know that everyone is different — that’s why we offer a variety of programs to serve a diverse range of people. No matter who you are or what you’re looking for, Causeway has a place for you. The first step to finding meaningful employment is to contact our Intake Office.

Intake Office: 613-725-3494 ext. 119


Pour le service en français, contactez la réception au 613-725-3494 poste 101


Click here to learn more about our Employment Resource Centre

Contact us to learn more.

    Our Avenues To Employment

    At Causeway, we call our employment programs, social enterprises and support services “Avenues” because of the journey we go on together with our clients. Each person can take multiple avenues while on their journey, but they all lead to the same place: meaningful and lasting employment.

    Social Enterprise

    If you need to get some substantial work experience in a supportive workplace, a position in one of our social businesses might be right for you.
    Learn More

    Support Services

    Being ready to work is about more than just looking for a job. Causeway looks at the whole person to ensure our clients begin their job search from a stable, healthy starting point.
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    For years, Monica’s dream was to work at Canada Post. And now she does.


    See how Causeway’s Avenues helped Monica and our other Denstedt-Williamson Client Award Winners find meaningful employment and transform their lives.

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