Plan a Workplace Fundraiser
Planning a workplace fundraiser can be a fun way for your team to come together and accomplish a meaningful goal. Together, you’re making a significant impact that alone you might not have been able to achieve.
This holiday season, you can organize a fundraiser on behalf of Causeway! You and your co-workers can work together to help people with barriers to employment reach their employment goals.
Although the pandemic has made job hunting more complicated, Causeway clients continue to persevere. They’re ambitious, dedicated, and excited to work. With your workplace’s help, Causeway clients can continue working towards finding meaningful employment.
We’ve compiled a list of fun fundraising ideas to help you plan your next workplace fundraiser:
- 50/50 raffle – organize a raffle where 50% of the total goes to the winner, and 50% gets donated to Causeway.
- Matching gift – your workplace will match their employee’s donations to Causeway.
- Virtual game night/afternoon – sell tickets for $5-$10 for a virtual game night/afternoon. The game options are endless – trivia, murder mystery, poker, etc. If you prefer to outsource trivia, Ringo Trivia splits the ticket proceeds with your preferred charity.
- Online contest – your workplace is filled with talented individuals; why not let them show off their skills? Sell tickets to participate in a virtual talent show or art/photography contest. Or, you can use OSMOS Vote to create a vote-by-donation platform.
- Virtual walk or run – your workplace could donate a certain amount for every km walked/run throughout November or December.
- Virtual watch party – download Teleparty to watch a movie with your co-workers. Sell tickets to your watch party, but it’s BYOP (bring your own popcorn)
- Bonus vacation day – sell raffle tickets for $5-$10, with the prize being a day off work.
- Virtual class – is one of your co-workers an excellent chef or an active yoga-goer? If so, they can sell tickets to a virtual class to teach the rest of you something cool!
- Charity competition with other companies – it’s very easy to set up a Peer-to-Peer fundraising campaign through Canada Helps. Your workplace and some similar companies can compete with each other to raise the most for charity!
- Office fundraising challenge – if the office raises a certain amount, the office or one team member will complete a task. Anything is possible, but some examples that come to mind: polar plunge, the boss shaves their head, etc. You can even use Canada Helkp’s Peer-to-Peer platform to help with your fundraising!
If you’re planning a workplace fundraiser (or any fundraiser!) we’d love to hear about it! Please send us an email with the details of your fundraiser (your company name, the fundraising event date, and a description of your fundraiser) to