Cycle Salvation was back in action in July participating in the City of Ottawa’s Bike Rodeos. What better way to enjoy the dog days of summer than with community bike events?

The City of Ottawa’s Safe Cycling Program hosts Bike Rodeos which are a community initiative that encourages children and youth in priority neighbourhoods to adopt good bike safety practices and help improve biking skills. Cycle Salvation was onsite at 4 different Bike Rodeos this month providing free bike tune-ups to get neighbourhood kids’ bikes in tip-top shape for the height of the cycling season. It was Cycle Salvation’s first community event since the start of the pandemic and it felt great to be back at it building community connections.
In total, the Bike Rodeos saw over 700 visitors in 4 community locations. Cycle Salvation’s team of enthusiastic staff successfully serviced, repaired and fit approximately 250 bikes for children and youth!
On top of servicing bikes, Cycle Salvation was able to donate 20 children’s bikes to the City of Ottawa’s Integrated Neighbourhood Services Team’s initiative, which aims to facilitate opportunities to overcome barriers and increase access to programs and services within priority neighbourhoods. By donating these bikes, we’re helping to increase access to safe, fun and healthy transportation. As an add-on to the donation of bikes, Cycle Salvation was able to provide free bike helmets and locks thanks to a grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation.
We had a wonderful time participating in the Bike Rodeos and meeting new people in our community. We would like to extend a huge thank you to the City of Ottawa, Ottawa Police Services, Safer Roads Ottawa, The Ottawa Community Foundation, Accora Village, Britannia Woods Community Hours, Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre, and the Senators Community Foundation for organizing and making all of this possible.
Cycle Salvation is looking forward to future opportunities to continue making a difference in communities around Ottawa!